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A Different Approach to Anger


Thoughts of revenge create an energy of imbalance and are best dealt with by releasing your anger.

There can be times when we get so angry with someone that we find ourselves imagining ways to seek revenge for the hurt they’ve caused us. Remember, however, that these thoughts are simply energetic creations. In order to keep yourself from taking part in a rebalancing of energy, it is important to release the thoughts and the person into the care of the universe with forgiveness.

Before we invest our energy in negative thoughts or actions, we should remind ourselves that everything has a purpose. By acknowledging this, we can contemplate the possibility that the actions of others may not be related to us. If we refrain from taking their actions personally, it becomes simpler to let go of them.

Keep in mind that each interaction presents an opportunity to opt for a more positive path. Prior to reacting, pause and take a deep breath. Give yourself the chance to realign with yourself and consciously choose to respond from a place of higher consciousness. We cannot always comprehend the full scope of circumstances that may have influenced someone's actions. By refraining from judgment and instead offering thoughts of healing, we can transform a challenging situation into something beneficial.

Every day, we have a chance to make a choice to bring light into the world. When we bless others with the gift of our positive energy, instead of letting circumstances negatively affect us, we bring a little peace to the world.

If you want to know another way you can heal your anger...check out the Path of Light class.

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